naturally stimulating the body to heal itself...

Homœopathy: Safe and effective medicine.

Your questions answered

Homœopathy as a holistic treatment

Homeopathy Books

Homœopathy is an effective and scientific system of healing which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself.

A homœopath treats the whole person and not only the external symptoms of disease, since all symptoms are seen as expressions of an overall disharmony within the person. A skin eruption may be the end result of bowel, kidney, or liver dysfunction. Also, emotions are seen to affect all organs and tissues of the body. For example, internalised feelings of anger or frustration may affect the bladder causing cystitis.

Homœopaths use various remedies. For example Staphysagria is a remedy that dissolves suppressed anger, improves function of the bladder, and cures cystitis. Lycopodium may cure psoriasis originating in poor liver function, in a person suffering from depression and lack of self-confidence. Applications of creams or other external agents would only suppress such a condition.

It is naive to think there is one remedy that will cure all cases of a particular condition. In homœopathy, a remedy must be found which is appropriate to each individual case.

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How does homœopathy work and how long does treatment take?

Collection of Remedy Bottles

Homœopathic medicines work by stimulating the body's own healing powers. The body's immunological and defensive power is enormous, and this is powerfully stimulated by the appropriate remedy.

Homœopathic remedies work very quickly in treating acute diseases, e.g. fevers, sore throats, inflamed ears etc. although for diseases which have taken years to evolve, it will take time to heal. Chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis may be palliated by anti-inflammatory drugs. However this is often a dangerous illusion, as they often simply ease the pain while the underlying disease progresses rapidly. In comparison, great relief from pain and permanent improvement of symptoms may be achieved by appropriate homœopathic medicines, albeit more slowly and surely.

Unfortunately we have been conditioned to expect instant relief from rapidly acting conventional drugs, which often palliate symptoms but do not address the underlying cause. Health and harmony of body and mind is a profound thing and profound things are not achieved in one day. Sometimes it may be necessary to see a homœopath for a year or two to achieve a deep and permanent shift in health.

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The consultation

In order to discover the mechanism of disease in the patient, the homœopath may ask the patient many questions. These may include enquiry into the patient's moods, past and present health, fears or anxieties, sleep, food desires and aversions and the kind of weather or temperature that agrees or disagrees with him/her.

The first consultation takes about 90 minutes and the patient will be advised to return for a follow-up 3-4 weeks after taking the initial remedy to assess his/her progress.

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How homœopathic remedies are to be taken and stored?

Pair of Remedy Bottles

Remedies may be given in tablet or liquid form, occasionally as a powder. The patient will receive instructions on how frequently to take the remedy and over what period of time.

The remedy is to be taken orally, when the mouth is free of food or any residual tastes. The patient should avoid eating, drinking or cleaning his/her teeth 20 minutes before or after taking the remedy. Any strong odours should not be inhaled for a similar period either side of taking the remedy. Tablets should be allowed to dissolve (under the tongue) or drops to disperse in the mouth.

It is important to store remedies in a cool dark place, away from strong odours and sources of electromagnetic field (TV, computers, microwaves, heathers) as these can interfere with it's action.

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What can homœopathy treat?

Homœopathy can be used by anyone of any age for most physical and emotional complaints. It can also help where other forms of medicine find the symptoms too vague to treat but YOU know something is not right. Its gentle and non-invasive nature means many are first attracted to it as an alternative in pregnancy, menopause or for children’s problems such as earaches, eczema, asthma, sleep or emotional problems. It can help, cystitis, arthritis, hypertension, hay fever, allergies, menstrual and digestive disorders, to name but a few.

Emotional states such as grief, trauma, depression or anxiety can manifest themselves in physical symptoms, which can prevent people from moving on. Homœopathic treatment can help problems like these to be overcome.

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